Amana Living | Entry signage

The Little Workshop was commissioned to create conceptual entry signage for the Amana Living brand.

Every location within this aged care Company has varying architectural styles, therefore a well considered entry statement sign would create remark-ability and build strong brand equity.

This concept needed to capture prospective Clients attention as they approach the facility. The entry statement needs to exude a level of quality that links directly to the brand message ‘providing quality over-55s housing, care and services’.

Quality, classic, robust - all adjectives that embody the brand messaging at Amana Living. If you create the right expectations through beautiful, considered and quality signage, clients will gain a sense of trust and the quality care provided within!

Hand sketched entry signage for Amana Living

Services delivered for Amana Living.

  • signage concepts
  • 4 concepts provided
  • hand and digital sketches
  • photo realistic mockups
  • materials palette suggestions
  • Recommended suppliers due to strong networks in WA

Amana Living - photorealistic mockup

Our Client, Tom at Amana Living was thrilled with the concept and looking forward to implementing the new signage through the 22 locations across Western Australia.

The Little Workshop were able to recommend our preferred suppliers in Landscape Architecture and Signage fabrication, due to our strong industry networks in Western Australia.

Imagine the possibilities for your new business with a graphic design studio that delivers visual communication solutions like this!

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